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Returned Iraqi veterans are dying from inferior medical care. Barium enema is used as contrast substance in the radiological imaging of the bowel. All blatantly inflammatory or otherwise inappropriate comments. With the bile ducts open, flushing of toxic enema insertion bile isencouraged which enters the gastro-intestinal tract. References Deeb, Benjamin, Enemas for Everyone: Case Study of Alexander Moaveni, University of Nebraska Press, 2000. There are resources here for enema equipment for you to purchase in privacy, many types of solutions and recipes, what type of enema equipment you might need from the most basic to more involved types of enemas and colonics. Clysters are famously referred to in the conclusion of John Donne Elegy XVIII, where the male persona warns against taking wrong turn when engaging in sexual activity, lest the unfortunate male penetrate the clyster oriface.